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Happy New Year to the brigade and the brigade only 🫡
How was ya'll new years? anything fun? sexy? shocking?
I really wish I could hear ya'll say it back in real time, but I'll just imagine it for now.
For me, I had big plans to go out, look cute, and get free drinks. Instead, I ended up in bed by 9pm doing my last cry of 2024. Don't be alarmed! Now that 2025 is here, I'm feeling way more optimistic and way less depressy. Hence, the something has changed in me.
Which is a prayer answered because last year felt like this nearly all 12 months.
It was like 2024 had something to prove at the expense of me getting my ass whooped.
Yet and still, New Year's has always been one of my favorite holidays. There's just something about the freshness of a new planner, not knowing what good is to come, and being able to dive deep into the delusion reality of a new year meaning a new me.
The problem I often run into is that the goals I set often ended up like any new gadget or trendy thing. Fun today, discarded and never thought of again tomorrow. After spending the last 6 weeks working on my intentions for this year and still needing to fine tune some things, I've recognized that goals need maintenance just like everything else in life.
Who would've thunk it?

Bringing back the joy of spilling my every aching thought on the internet.
From today on, I will be publishing a newsletter every 2 weeks for the entirety of this year. If ya'll don't see a newsletter in your inbox by 5p every other Sunday I need every one of y’all to go on social media and publicly shame me.
Commitment is the name of the game this year and I HAVE to be help accountable or I'll just slip through the cracks like the Gemini I am.
Speaking of slipping through the cracks, here's the rest of what I'm holding myself to the fire for in 2025.
Rebranding as a welness-focused-fineassbitch! Tete is not getting any younger. I'm knocking on 30's door and now more than ever it feels like do or die for making my health and wellness a top priority. I've seen so many older people in my life not gaf about their health and try to live like they're 21 when they're actually close to 60. It's not a cute look and I simply have to be better than those negroes.
Allowing myself to make new friends! Ya'll know I'm friendly af, but due to several ex-friends, my ptsd has made me move like Batman. I’ve been hiding in my cave and damn near growling when expanding my social circle comes up. Buttttt, I have to let that go. I love community and I love being social. I have to be willing to trust that not all people are like those other hoes and that I posses the discernment to know its time to remove myself.
Sharing! Again, this sounds counterintuitive because you're literally reading my public, personal newsletter, but I'm referencing sharing in a way that adds context rather than just content. This applies to Harmonie Today and SIX4STUDIO. I’m focusing on giving more lore and dot connection between stories. Does that make sense?
That 4.0 is mine! Admittedly, I am currently on academic probation because of the hell I was going through last semester. But, if I learned anything, other than you’ll never catch me analyzing data again, is that being a leader is in knowing when to take stock of what is and isn't working and then pivot aggressively. Me pivoting aggressively is putting non-negotiable time in my schedule to study AND research. Now is not the time for laziness.

The story time corner. As I reflect on what makes my lore my own, I hope you can see a piece of yourself in it too.
Did I ever tell ya'll about the time I got arrested in the airport while I was pregnant?
So, what had happened was..
When my best friend crossed, her brother drove me from Baltimore to Detroit so I could be apart of the celebration. Because I know me, I knew that if I was in Detroit I'd be out and about. Given that I was getting pretty big and couldn't move around as easily as I could non-pregnant, I thought it'd be smart to pack a lil protection. I didn't have a blicky, but I had a knife (one that I miss very much) just in case shit got a lil sticky. I go through the whole visit, I don't need the knife. Perfect.
Last minute, I have to catch a flight to Dallas instead of driving back to Baltimore like I originally thought I'd be doing. So what does my pregnant brain tell me? If you just hide the knife in your suitcase rather than your jacket pocket they'll never know. That way you'll get to keep your knife and show them you're not a threat to society.
Turns out, I'm the only one who didn't know how thorough those scanners are. As soon as my bag went through the scanner, they asked me did I have any weapons and I'm like welp I'm going to jail. I was absolutely right. They arrested my ass right there!!!!
Imagine me, deep in my 2nd trimester, being detained in the Detroit airport, crying so hard the snot is leaking into my mouth and these cops are telling me there's a $10,000 fine. But I had a praying grandmother and in the theme of taking my power back I capitalize on the pregnancy, fear for my safety, and not knowing I'd be flying out and got the ticket down to $400 through some loophole.
I am in fact still paying that ticket but still. At least it isn't the full 10k!

Ya girl loves all things hippy and woo woo so I'll be sharing random tidbits on current transits, resources, and tips to help you start connecting the dots in your life through info on the metaphysical.
I finally saw Wicked and if you haven't yet I'm not going to exactly spoil it, but just know that it's a classic story of destiny swapping.
Destiny swapping is essentially someone seeing what you have and what you're capable of and through scheme, scam, or sabotage they take it for themselves.
Exactly what Galinda did to Elphaba.
I won't even call the hoe Glinda because she only chose that name to steal the shine from Elphaba, but that's besides the fact.
I believe in my spirit that if Elphaba wouldn't have been willing to share her shine so much, Galinda (the not so) good witch wouldn't have had the chance to swap destiny's with Elphaba in the first place. With her original destiny in tact, Elphaba would be acclaimed in the way she was intended and not some half way magical hoe like Galinda.
If you want to learn more about destiny swapping, I suggest doing your own research. Then, of course pull me for a chat because I can really get in the HDWW weeds on this topic.

A natural over sharer, here’s a foray into the mind of someone with so many thoughts and not so many places to put them.

(in pop culture)
I love to yap about shit that's most definitely not my business. I'll be sharing my two cents - and then some, so please feel free to reply to this email and share yours too.
What did I say ya'll! what did I say!!!!!!!
Karen's ass should've never said some “alleged” when she knew she was drinking! When I saw that video… and far her wig was pushed back…. I said oh baby you must've needed this storyline or something.
At this point, I am close to Mia's #1 hater. She reminds me so much of past friends with her ability to flip shit on people and bring about unnecessary information just to escape the fire. Her mentioning Gizzy's girl's sneaking boys in? weird. Also, I'm not sure if I've said this, but I think Mia is dragging G's illness to benefit her desire to publicly be with Inc.
I wish I had more business to get in that's not my own but, I've been so deep in getting to the munyun unfortunately I've been mostly minding my own business 😔 BUT, if you have anything I can give my unsolicited opinion on - please leave it in the comments!

My parting lesson, question, or word of advice—it'll vary each time, but it'll always be something to help you tap into your best self - starting today.
— Ask yourself:
When's the last time you examined the stories you tell yourself about what it means to be you? Are you sure all of those are true? How could those stories be limiting your ability to soar to new heights?
You've secured your spot in the (bad b*tch) brigade. 🫡
We're 57 members deep, and actively recruiting the best of the best. if you know someone who fits the bill... send them this newsletter.
